Our staff consists of three teachers and one assistant with experience in early childhood care.
We can’t recommend The Preschool Place & Kindergarten enough! My daughter began at the end of the 2s program and every year was better than the next.
Sussan Joseph
The best pre-school for my kids. As I am out to work for all days, this school taught my children very best behavior a child could have.
Isabelle Tandukar
As a single working dad, I can’t give time to teach manners and all others. Finally, my little girl is doing better in a education. Thankyou!!
Daniel Radplateu
Single Father
We can’t recommend The Preschool Place & Kindergarten enough! My daughter began at the end of the 2s program and every year was better than the next.
Elizabeth Oldaughter
Such a wonderful child care service provider.. The staff are friendly and welcoming and take the time to answer questions and keep us updated on my childs.
Rosie Gojira
The best pre-school for my kids. As I am out to work for all days, this school taught my children very best behavior a child could have.
Dokat Ransom
Get In Touch
If you have any questions, feel free to send a message.
380 St Kilda Road, Washington DC VIC 3004, USA
+1 256 015 665
For Any Inquiry
Preguntas Públicas
45 years old,
8 months ago
Hola, como va Esto es pregunta Libre
Tu luz en la distancia
8 months ago
Está es una segunda respuesta
45 years old,
8 months ago
Esto ya est{a respondido por Team = 1
Henry el manco de méxico
7 months ago
Esta es mi respuesta que habla de una respuesta responsable
52 years old,
8 months ago
Ut dolorum quod quis aut repudiandae laborum. Quasi consequatur assumenda maiores quidem quia. Ipsum eos ipsum enim corporis nulla autem. Error quos doloribus rerum sunt totam.
Henry el manco de méxico
7 months ago
Esta es mi respuesta es especial, la respondi muy bienEsta es mi respuesta
5 years old,
8 months ago
Optio dolorem et consectetur ut ipsum qui quae sint. Et odit nihil explicabo enim nihil saepe. Doloribus voluptatem aut blanditiis dolorem.